Transparent AI algorithms and systems
Implementation period: 2022-2024
Customer: German Research Foundation
Executant: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, University of Konstanz

In complex police investigations – including cases of organized crime or terrorism – large volumes of digital data are regularly generated, in particular images, videos, audio recordings, text and voice messages. Given the limited human resources available, the timely manual analysis of such data poses extreme challenges for investigative teams. AI solutions promise to remedy this situation by enabling presorting and filtering of the data according to their potential relevance, recognizing cross matches or pointing out hidden connections in the data thicket
Implementation period: 2020-2023
Customer: Framework Programme for Research & Innovation of the European Union
Executant: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, University of Konstanz

The overall DAYDREAMS objective is to move forward the integration and use of data and artificial/human trustworthy intelligence together with context-driven HMI for prescriptive Intelligent Asset Management Systems (IAMS) in railway by (i) advancing in maintenance approach towards prescriptive asset management, (ii) improving the decision-making process by developing multi-objective decision optimisation approaches taking into account all implications of IAMS decisions in the railway environment, and (iii) reinforcing the role of the person-in-the-loop by designing and developing advanced context-driven HMIs to allow context- and risk-aware multiple-options decision-making processes.